This  is an account of my experiment and experience in reducing the customer complaints which posed as  a severe  headache for the vehicle dealer which I was associated with for two years.   When I joined the above said organization,  I was totally bewildered by the array of business processes and employee behavior in the company.  My prior experiences taught me to serve the customers as kings and we did so.  Here, customers  were being meted out  with  the treatment  as given in some public distribution shops.  Not a single  evening  went without   customer complaints  and it was  the order of the day.  Each and every evening was  a nightmare for the employees.  Not only evenings, literally all the sales staff were obsessed with finding excuses to be presented before customers in the evening.   Initially, I too have to take part in the process of  finding excuses to fool the customers late in the evening.  But, I was aware of the fact that if things were not controlled, it would spin out of our hands.   The business process in the  vehicle dealership consisted  of booking  a vehicle by paying an advance amount and submitting the documents to the finance provider for loan if it’s a loan purchase.  After the loan is approved and the amount is disbursed to the dealer, the customer has to pay the balance amount and the allotted vehicle is  billed and  sent for registration with the required documents.  After the registration the vehicle is fitted with accessories as required by the customer by the pre delivery inspection team who arranges the vehicle for the final delivery to the customer. This process is much similar in almost all dealerships.  The real problem with the said dealership was  that it took more than two weeks to deliver a new vehicle after receiving the payment for the vehicle.  Normally it would take two to three days.  I will summarize the problem areas which I  learnt through observation of the situation.

1.      The problem started with the allotment staff who used to allot vehicles to his notions.  Thus there was a delay caused in the allotment process.

2.      The customer file with allotted vehicle chassis number along with necessary registration documents  would be sent to  the billing section.  Here, again the files were getting held because of the attitude of the billing staff.

3.      After the vehicle was billed it would be sent for registration process, but,  here the registration procedures and processes were contributing  much to the  delay in the final delivery  for the ego and attitude of the registration staff.     

4.      There were other issues in the processes too, but compared to the above said issues they were less severe.

Solution To The Problem

Once the issues and  the problems were learnt  in detail, the causes contributing  to the problems, I   got convinced  that it cannot be solved in part.  The entire system was replete with bottlenecks  and each and every next process in the system was delaying the end result.  With few small changes in the workflow  processes,   I planned to observe   “zero complaints  days” for two days  where all the files with full payment received would be sent to the registration paper works after allotment and billing.  The very next day the vehicle would  be registered and fitted with accessories to be delivered the same day or the next day.  I set two conditions under which a file could  be withheld from further processing.  One condition  to withhold the files fro m processing  was payment not received  and the other condition was  non-availability of the vehicle.   The  aim of the observance days  was to make the staff believe that delivery of a vehicle was possible within two days after receiving payments.  

As expected, with some initial starting trouble, it worked out.  Till noon on the first day, nothing happened, but  my close supervision and well  intended  drive, set the things in motion.  The two days taught the staff that it was  possible to deliver a vehicle in two days after receiving the payment.  After a week thereafter, I planned to observe a “zero complaints week” with the same conditions.  I also instructed the staff to give  immediate feedback to the concerned executives about any issues which would hinder the vehicle delivery to the customer on the committed date.  It turned out to be a  successful week with the number of customer complaints  related to delayed vehicle delivery coming down drastically.  It also helped me to improve the morale of the staff.  On both the “observance programmes”,  I had to be much focused and had to micro manage each and every process and people, but as the days went I was able to relax the degree and extent  of supervision.  Gaining more positive results from the two  programmes, I again planned a “zero complaint fortnight”.  This time the egoistic staff reacted with their usual delaying tactics and with some  reprimand  and internal transfers the system was set free of unwarranted ego issues and the resultant work delays.   As the  days passed,  the way the staff were working during those “observance” days became a habit of them.   Once it became the working habit, it continuously yielded positive results for the company. 

This  was  much more than a  business process  reengineering.  Because it involved not only changes in the processes but also conditioning  the attitude of the  people.  This could not have happened by any other means.  Be it a training programme or a counselling programme or any other programmes aimed at improving the overall performance of the organization.  I believe, this type of programmes can be employed in a variety of situations and across industries, where  the way things happens  need to be changed or improved.   But, the outcome will be wholly dependent  on the level and quality  of leadership and the extent of support from the top management. 

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